“When action speaks words are nothing” - African Proverb

Our vision assisting and empowering the youth to ensure excellence and success in all aspects of life. Proposition Enrichment for the Next Generation (PE4NG) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) all volunteer organization established in 2015 with a mission to enhance the community by improving youth literacy and life skills. We collaborate with support systems such as educators, organizations, agencies, and both adult and youth volunteers to create non-traditional yet relevant and impactful learning opportunities beyond typical classrooms.


Secret Santa Families


Children helped through Youth Enrichment Program

PE4NG Updated Logo

What we do

Youth Literacy

We drive literacy through our all volunteer support programs that made reading proficiency a priority.

Life Skills

We are proud to equip our youth with the tools needed to not just navigate the world but thrive in it.


We know it takes a village, so thats why investing in it and the people that make it what it is will always be a priority for us.

For the school current year, our goal is to raise $5,000

to produce our programs and activi- ties. We welcome your tax deductible donations. All programs are led by non-paid volunteers so 100% of the donations goes directly to supporting the programs and activities.

Our trusted doners organizations who support us

PE4NG Updated Logo

Our Leadership

Katherine Matthews

Co-founder & Board Member

Anthony Smart

Co-founder & Board Member

Our Board of Directors

Devin Anderson

Board Member

Renee Carter Glascoe

Board Member

Nathaniel Miller

Board Member


Proposition Enrichment for the Next Generation has been an instrumental and valuable partner to the school community of Robert R. Gray Elementary School. Their support focuses on students’ basic needs. Their efforts have given our students a sense of pride, encouragement, and self-worth. Simply amazing!

Cheryl Franklin, Ed.D. Principal – Robert R. Gray Elementary School